
Product Customer Testimonial

Kevin Ross
Country Club of the Rockies
Edwards, Colorado

"We had donuts around our Toro 670 heads, so I gave Underhill a call and the rest is history!
They solved the problem of donuts, wet spots and dry spots"

Charles Hadwick
The Country Club of Lincoln
Lincoln, NE

"Anyone irrigating with Toro® Model 690 sprinkler would be foolish not to consider upgrading to Underhill Profile™ spreaders, we have seen a dramatic improvement in coverage since installing them"

Bruce Williams,CGCS
The Los Angeles Country Club
Los Angeles, CA

"Underhill Profile™ replaced the nozzles on 2000 heads at Los Angeles Country Club, we have no more donuts since then. Quality work and we are very pleased."

Clint - Irrigation Technician
The Dalton Ranch Golf Club
Durango, Colorado

"Since installing the Undrhill Profile™ nozzle in our Toro® 670 & 750 sprinklers we have nearly eliminated the black layer in our greens because we can manage our water so much more precisely"

Phil Fitzgerald Superintendent
Steele Canyon Golf Course
Jamul, California

"...with the Underhill Profile™ nozzles, we don’t have a single ring around sprinklers like we had before."

Doug Jones
City of Grand Junction Golf Courses
Grand Junction, Colorado

"We just completed aerating fairways and in the past we would always see dry spots in several of the same spots. Those areas where we had installed the Underhill Profile™ nozzles in our RB51 heads didn't show the same historical hot spots as in years past, I'm a believer now!"

Jack Mackenzie
North Oaks Golf Course
North Oaks, MN

"From all indications so far, your nozzles kick butt! Combining an increased pressure at the pump of 10 psi with your tips has reduced my "donuts" and almost eliminated my wet centers. Thank you so much for your help. Look for an endorsement in the Turf-Net forum"

DJorge ( George) Bartolomeu
Richmond Country Club
Richmond, California

"The Proof is in our turf quality, no more wet areas next to the heads and dry centers of patterns"




  J.C. Wheaton C.I.C.,C.L.I.A.
Manager Centerville Irrigation
Centerville, Ohio
"Installing Underhill 2Wire doesn't require any special equipment or tools. We use the same valves that we are familiar with ...even the line is typical irrigation wire... and we're happier pulling just two wires, rather than old school multi-wire."
Paul Pankow
General Superintendent,
Byrom Davey
San Diego, CA
"...it's more economical to install, easier to maintain and easily expands. Our crew prefers working with Underhill 2Wire... it took just a day of training and they had it figured out."



  Bonnie Higgins
Baker's Nursery
Phoenix, AZ
Just wanted to let you know that I love your "Deep Drip" Tree Watering Stakes. Recently, one of the trees on my property was not doing well, and the main issue was that it was planted on a berm which made it very difficult to keep water around it. The water kept running down the berm and away from the tree. I came across your Deep Drip Tree Watering Stakes and I pounded two of them into the ground - one on either side of the dying tree. I also added tree fertilizer into the shaft and connected my drip line to the stakes. It was easy to use and I will have you know that the tree has never looked better! What was once a sickly looking tree, is now a healthy, vibrant, leafy green tree. I am so impressed with your tree watering stakes that I just had to write and tell you my experience. Now, all the water goes down to the roots instead of down the hill. Way to go Deep Drip! I got my tree back - thank you so much.             
Chris W.
Chandler, AZ

I can't say enough about how well Deep Drip works. Our newly planted tree was dying shortly after planting it, and we just could not get it to come back. We live in Arizona where it is HOT, so something needed to be done.  One of the guys at our nursery introduced us to Deep Drip and our tree has never looked healthier and continues to flourish. I would recommend this product to anyone.  Thanks.            

Chandler, AZ

I was introduced to Deep Drip at the recent Water Expo hosted by the local water/power company and purchased a couple of your 'minor miracles' for a tree that was fading a little.  To put them to the torture test I used my trusty 3 pound sledge hammer to drive it into completely dry soil – ‘Arizona Pack’ infused with small rocks.  I pounded until my arm was very tired and the device was about 18-inches in and nary a crack appeared in the cap, then I added water through a hose to finish the process.  The second one I got started about 4 inches in and then added water, this one went in very quickly, I highly recommend the second procedure, saves on arm fatigue.
Prior to adding Deep Drip I was using two 4 gal per hour (gph) emitters just below the ground and running for the full 1 hour every other day.  At the conclusion of the watering cycle I saw very little moisture around the tree, except some puddling, and was unable to push a probe any distance into the soil.  After installing the Deep Drip tubes and putting the 4 gph emitters in the tubes, then running them for just 30 minutes, the moisture content around the base of the tree allowed me to push a probe almost 2 feet into the ground with little resistance, meaning the water was getting throughout the base of the root system.
With testing it appears that the optimum will probably be two 2 gph emitters running for 15 to 30 minutes every 3 days, and should achieve a far superior watering effect.  This will result in a water saving of over 70%, I’m buying one for every bush and tree in my yard.  Inside of two weeks of using the Deep Drip the tree has regained it’s former luster and looks like it’s brand new.  Should be a must for any new and existing plantings.
Good Luck with your product. 

Ross Kingham

I just wanted to confirm our experience with the Deep Drip Watering Stakes.
 As you know we have a well established garden in Stirling, in the Adelaide Hills , including a number of very large Californian Redwood trees. These trees are approximately 20m high .
 Over the past few summers we have become increasing concerned at the condition of the trees deteriorating as a direct result of water stress.
 We have been using a number of surface drippers for each tree in an attempt to supply the much needed moisture. Due to the restricted watering hours allowed, and in an attempt to apply more water in allowed time , we added more drippers per tree than would be usual .
 Unfortunately the additional water applied did not soak in much more than a few inches before surface run-off occurred, resulting in wasted water and trees that remained stressed.
 Two weeks ago I installed the Deep Drip Stakes around the 3 trees causing the most concern. I used a single dripper on two of the stakes and two drippers on each of the others. The amount of water delivered by these drippers approximately matches the infiltration rate into the subsoil , thus eliminating any surface runoff.
 The result has have been impressive.
 Within ten days all affected trees began showing new growth emerging from the branches; the trees now have more vigor and obviously are benefiting from the water applied directly to the root zone.
 I think we would have lost these beautiful and significant trees if we had not installed the Deep Drip Stakes.
 The other direct benefit is that we are actually applying less water to these trees than we had been with surface drippers, due to a reduction in the number of drippers being used and an elimination of any surface runoff . We think this is a very important feature of this product - the ability to actually reduce water application rates by placing the applied water directly into the root zone. Surface evaporation would also be reduced as a result of the water being placed at depth.

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  Phone: (949) 305-7050

  Fax: (949) 305-7051

  Mail: underhill@uicorp.net

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